RBTC Cologne
Level 1
Welcome to RBTC Cologne!
My name is Josef Marckx and my wife Geraldine Blum-Marckx. We are the Campus Coordinators (CC) for Cologne and together we are happy to be able to accompany you during your studies.
About us: We have been married since 2004 and have 3 children. I (Josef) graduated 2016, my wife Geraldine completed Level 1 in 2020 and in 2023 Level 2. We have been the Campus Coordinators for Cologne since 2022. Besides our work as CC, I (Josef) am also an instructor at RHEMA for the subjects Pneumatology, Introduction to World Religions and Practical Theology of Ministry.
If you have any questions, we are happy to help you!

Time frame
Olpener Str. 137
51103 Cologne
Any questions?
Mail: cckoeln@rbtc.de
Tel.: 0228 9325220
Class times
Saturday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Classes are held once a month.
Facts about RBTC Cologne
2010 the starting signal was given for the Level 1 at RBTC Cologne.
The current round of Level 1 has been running since fall 2023.
Classes are face-to-face and held in German and English.
Be excited about what awaits you and let God change you!
Facts about RBTC Cologne
2010 the starting signal was given for the Level 1 at RBTC Cologne.
The current round of Level 1 has been running since fall 2023.
Classes are face-to-face and held in German and English.
Be excited about what awaits you and let God change you!
Any questions?
Mail: cckoeln@rbtc.de
Tel.: 0228 9325220
Class times
Saturday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Classes are held once a month.
Time frame
Olpener Str. 137
51103 Cologne
Your Schedule
What and when?
Level 2
Welcome to the Level 2 at RBTC Cologne!
We are Detlef and Barbara Hausmann, the Campus Coordinators for the Level 2 in Cologne, and it is our pleasure to support you in your studies.
About us personally: We are happily married for 35 years and have six wonderful children. In addition, we are pastors of the Weinberg congregation in Cologne. In 2017, we started as students at Rhema with Level 1 and in 2020 with Level 2, which we completed in 2022. We are grateful for what we were able to learn at Rhema and are now also enthusiastic employees.

Time frame
Next start: -
Olpener Str. 137
51103 Cologne
Any questions?
Mail: ccadvancedkoeln@rbtc.de
Tel.: Detlef: 01637021988
Barbara: 01633512967
Class times
Saturday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Classes are held once a month.
Facts about Level 2 at RBTC Cologne
2010 the starting signal was given for the Level 1 at RBTC Cologne. The current round of Level 1 has been running since fall 2023.
Classes are face-to-face and held in German and English.
Be excited about what plans God has for your life and build on the Level 1.
Fakten über das Level 2 am RBTC Köln
2010 the starting signal was given for the Level 1 at RBTC Cologne. The current round of Level 1 has been running since fall 2023.
Classes are face-to-face and held in German and English.
Be excited about what plans God has for your life and build on the Level 1.
Any questions?
Mail: ccadvancedkoeln@rbtc.de
Tel.: Detlef: 01637021988
Barbara: 01633512967
Class times
Saturday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Classes are held once a month.
Time frame
Next start: -
Olpener Str. 137
51103 Cologne