Level 1 | Live

Live and on-site

Strong in the word

Learn about God's Word and understand how to apply it to everyday life. 

Living fellowship

Go on a journey of discovery with your fellow students and be in direct communication with them and your instructors. 

Led by the Holy Spirit

Get to know the Holy Spirit and how you can be led by Him.

26 weekends

Every month at your campus
Friday 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm

32 courses

One to two courses per weekend including books for more in-depth study.


The individual weekend dates are fixed. However, you can make up courses at other locations or do them in advance. The RBTC App provides you with an exact overview of when each course will take place.

1 test per course

One test per course, mostly multiple choice.

One school - many locations

Level 1 near you

Our Level 1 is located in different places throughout Germany.

Find a suitable Bible school location near you and let's discover God's Word (anew) together.

Live from the classroom

Insights from our Basic Training

Become a hero of faith in everyday life!

We will equip you with the necessary tools.

From theory to experience – your internship

Parallel to Bible school

Put the theory directly into practice
by serving a total of 100 hours in your church.

1 Practicum – 5 Areas

Become active in support, pastoral and administrative ministry, as well as in Christian education and field ministry.

Learning by doing!

Character building + time management + talent scouting +
new perspective = personal growth

Your personal contact

We support you in your internship!

Tuition Fees


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