The meaning, usage and effects of the different aspects of the grace of God in the life of the individual.
What is authority? When and how do we obtain authority? What authority did we get from God and how do we exercise it? These questions and more are covered in this topic.
Teaching about the importance of the Name of Jesus, the authority of the Name of Jesus, and its benefits in the life of the believer. This class also deals with what the Bible really saying about the subject of “Spiritual Warfare”.
Helps the student to develop greater confidence in the integrity of the Bible. This is accomplished by examining proofs of the Bible’s divine origin, the reliability of a translation and the transmission of biblical manuscripts from the original copies to the present.
To introduce the biblical importance of the blood covenant and to create an awareness of its principles, application and influence on the participants.
A study of 25 reasons that show us that healing is the will of God for today.
Teaching about the practical and spiritual aspects of family life and ministry.
A look from a biblical perspective at the God-ordained structure of authority – in the home and in the local and universal church.
A general overview of evangelism in the Bible, the motivation for evangelism and its different forms that are found in the Bible.
The most important foundational truths and doctrines of Christian beliefs are defined and clarified.
Learn about the difference between sects, world religions and the true church and receive facts about their beliefs and how to approach them.
This course gives us a better understanding of church government in the New Testament, the local church and the spiritual leadership offices.
Signs of the end times, the timely order of end time events and their meaning for us as Christians.
Each of the nine Gifts of the Spirit will be taught as to their specific operation, manifestation and distribution within the Body of Christ. It is also desired that each student will become more aware of the fact that the Spirit is the one that distributes the gifts as He wills, for the profit of all, and that no person individually controls any particular gift.
Recognize the will of God regarding prosperity and learn the motivation, as well as the responsibility of every believer in connection to finances.
The purpose and importance of prayer, different kinds of prayer that are found in the Bible and being led by the Holy Spirit in prayer.
Qualifications for spiritual leaders and their duties and their responsibilities in the Body of Christ.
A practical study of the subject of “righteousness by faith” versus “righteousness by works”.
What is faith? How does faith come? How do we activate faith? How do I use the shield of faith?
Explanation of the most often used and widely accepted principles of bible interpretation and their practical application.
Important events and people during the different periods of church history.
The goal of this class is to recognize how God’s display of love for man translates to our love for one another.
The general foundation, message and historical events of the Old Testament will be covered, as well as a look at the lives of various Old Testament saints.
General overview of the New Testament, the content and purpose of the different books.
Learn about the different methods of bible study (i.e. word study, character study, topical and passage study).
The person and divinity of the Holy Spirit and His work in the life of every believer. This class also deals with the subject of how to be led by the Holy Spirit.
Faithfulness as the key for the ministry, calling and separation to the ministry; character development and qualifications for the ministry.
The necessity of spiritual growth as a foundation for being able to fulfill the will of God.
Understand the background of RHEMA and learn about the roots of the large network.
We discuss the standing we have with God through the redemptive work of Christ. (“In Him” Realities).